Luxury vinyl floors

Luxury vinyl floors

At Flooring Clearance Center, we pride ourselves on offering the latest and greatest in flooring options to elevate the aesthetics and functionality of your home. One of the most popular choices among our customers these days is contemporary luxury vinyl floors. If you're considering a flooring upgrade and are curious about the trending colors for homes, you've come to the right place. Let's explore some of the most sought-after colors in luxury vinyl flooring today.

1. Timeless Gray Elegance

Gray has been a go-to color for interior design for quite some time now, and it's showing no signs of fading away. In fact, shades of gray are more popular than ever, and they work exceptionally well in luxury vinyl flooring. Whether you're looking for a light and airy feel or a darker, more dramatic ambiance, there's a gray luxury vinyl option for you. It's a versatile choice that complements various design styles, from contemporary to farmhouse chic.

2. Classic Wood Tones

Nothing quite beats the warmth and charm of classic wood flooring, but real wood can be pricey and challenging to maintain. Enter luxury vinyl flooring that mimics the look of wood with astonishing realism. Popular wood-tone choices include rich oak, elegant maple, and rustic walnut. These options provide the timeless beauty of wood while offering the durability and ease of maintenance that vinyl provides.

3. Coastal Bliss Blues

For those who want to infuse their homes with a beachy, coastal vibe, shades of blue in luxury vinyl flooring are the way to go. Whether it's a serene pale blue or a deep oceanic hue, these colors can create a sense of tranquility and relaxation in any room. Pair them with nautical decor elements, and you'll have a coastal oasis right in your home.

4. Earthy Neutrals

Earthy neutrals like beige, taupe, and greige (a blend of gray and beige) are enduring favorites for luxury vinyl floors. These colors create a soothing and inviting atmosphere that pairs well with a wide range of furnishings and decor. They're also excellent choices if you want to make your space feel larger and more open.

5. Bold Statement Blacks

If you're seeking a more dramatic and contemporary look, don't shy away from bold black luxury vinyl flooring. Black floors can create a striking contrast against light-colored walls and furnishings, making your space feel edgy and modern. They work particularly well in spaces with ample natural light, as they can create a chic, high-contrast effect.

6. Natural Stone Aesthetics

While not a single color, luxury vinyl flooring options that mimic the look of natural stone, such as marble and slate, are gaining popularity. These designs bring the elegance and timelessness of real stone into your home without the associated cost and maintenance. They're perfect for adding a touch of luxury to bathrooms, kitchens, and entryways.

At Flooring Clearance Center, we offer a wide selection of contemporary luxury vinyl flooring options in these popular colors and more. Our showrooms in Fort Mill, SC, and Monroe, NC, are stocked with a variety of styles and textures to suit your unique preferences and needs. Plus, our experienced team is here to assist you in finding the perfect flooring solution for your home. Visit Flooring Clearance Center to explore these trends and find the perfect flooring for your next project.